Connection Between Data Science, ML And AI
These days, terms like data science, machine learning and artificial intelligence are sometimes mentioned interchangeably, albeit incorrectly. Even an organization offering a new technology powered by any of these may talk about their high-end data science techniques without having much knowledge about them. In this post, we’ve outlined the relation between these technologies. But first, let’s have a quick look at
Machine Learning Professionals Need Degree!(?)
During the past few years, we’ve been experiencing an upward trend in talent acquisition in the field of machine learning. Though this field has traditionally been considered as something that only institutions working with huge amount of resources could utilize, wide implementation of machine learning today has transformed the scenario completely. From e-commerce to software product to different business landscapes
Why Learning Python Is Important For Machine Learning Aspirants?
Today, Python has become one of the most favored programming languages among developers across the globe – from process automation to scripting to web development to machine learning – it’s used everywhere. Before we delve deeper to understand why Python is steadily becoming a great choice among machine learning professionals, let’s have a quick look at where actually the study